Last week41 was 4/5 F 14 f X 20 X X 21 X ====== 43x pair 46 X ============ WK42 ====== Here comes another WK of blessing as PORTVALE Seat on top PETERBOROUGH AWAY. Mark Wimbledon away in the vacation of opponent of Walsall a week before setting. WK 09 PORTVALE ontop of PETERBOROUGH away WALSALL VS COLCHESTER FAILED NEWPORT. CO VS A.WIMBLEDON @ 35 XX WK08 COLCHESTER @35 AWAY FAILED MORECAMBE @36 AWAY FAILED. WK42 🗝️ WALSALL VS BRADFORD C TRANMERE VS A.WIMBLEDON @38 XX WK41 BRADFORD C @38 AWAY FAILED MORECAMBE @ 39 FAILED. WK42 CONFIRMED KEY 🗝️ ====================== XXXXXXX XX 38 XX XXXXXXX ========= SURE 3/3. I NEED HEAVY STAKERS TO HIT IT IN BET9JA. COST 10,000 CALL 08038670659.
Congratulation to those who make use of my pair last week but where not able to join. Now let's move on. FIRST KEY In WK 52 = 2022 GWELUP VS BAYSWATER @24 f SORRENTO VS PERTH @ 25 XX In WK 51 GWELUP VS SORRENTO @25 FF ========================== Current year WK 51 2024 OLYMPIC K VS BAYSWATER @ 28 F STIRLING M VS PERTH @ 29 XX WK50 2024 OLYMPIC K VS STIRLING @ 29 FF ======================== 2ND 🗝️ KEYS In WK 47, current PERTH RS VS WESTERN K PERTH G VS STIRLING M In two weeks =========== WK 49 MITCHELTON on top MORETON C away. Key PERTH G VS PERTH 36XXXX PERTH RS VS INGLEWOOD 37FF ========================== TWO WEEKS AGAIN WK 51 MITCHELTON on top MORETON C away key STIRLING M VS PERTH 29XX WESTERN K VS INGLEWOOD 30FF The two keys is pointing one thing. WK51 OFFICIAL KEY ================== XXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XX 29 XXXX XXXXXXXXXXX ==============Must 4/4. COST 10,000 With full proof Call 0803867065 Whatsapp 09080677747
Here comes the setting of Tranmere @ 37 away to fail and draw Colchester @ away as the only draw in league 2 . following Wk, Tranmere and Colchester to pick a draw. Current key. Example, WK 9 and WK 10 And Wk11 and this WK12. WK12 Special ============= XXXXXX XX 38 XX XXXXXXX XX 42 XXX ========== JUST 4 numbers must Cost 5000 Call 08038670659.
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