
Showing posts from July, 2023

Registration Alert

 Join the winning team now as registration is still going on. My first key of the season comes up in Wk06 and I will be driving rough this season . Pls pool is not meant to be played all the time. I will appear whenever I have a good setting or my key set. Register with us now. Call +2348038670659 or +2349080677747.


 Thanks to those who have been following me through out the Australia. And my special regard goes to my members and weekly subscribes. Welcome to English / Scottish season 2023/2024. GOD will surely see us through. Registration is still going on in this new season .  Full season = 300,000 . Half season = 150,000. Weekly subscribes = 10,000.  ================ Please don't be left out. My first Key of the new season will start in WK 06 ... for inquiry, call +2348038670659 or +2349080677747.::::::

WK03 setting

Welcome to another WK of Grace. My last week game failed but I will compensate my weekly subscribes. Red to Red key. Wk51 and wk03 CENTRAL C @11 HOME HILL UTD @ 12 AWAY  PERTH SORRENTO XXXXXXXXX BAYSWATER.  all @ away. WK51 KEY ========= XXXXXX XX 36 XX XXXXXXX ========= 11 pair 12 Cost # 5000 Call 08038670659  With proof  Pay @  Ecobank 0861074043 Stanley .k ===================== 

WK02 setting

  Am sorry that I came a late. Congratulation to those who played my game last week 01  with  4x11x35x pair 17x and 27f. Here comes another week of BONANZA  sure  4/5: I will help you raise money against WK 03 of another sure 3/3. Pay in just 1500  to our account and get this sure 4/5 now. UBA STANLEY K. OKORO 2219313715 ========================= AMOUNT TO PAY IS 1500:::::: AFTER PAYMENT, TEXT ME THAT YOU HAVE PAID @ 08038670659 BASE ON CONFIRMATION, YOU WILL RECEIVE THE GAME INSTANTLY. WK02 ====== XXXX XXXX XXXX ====== XX/ XX.


  Am sorry for what happened last week 52  It was a system change. I will compensate those that registered with me. This WK is a systematic setting of SYDNEY FC ontop of woll'gong w @away and PERTH , SORRENTO, ARMADALE ontop of each other at away. As seen in week 51.. Use MORETON B AND HEIDELBERG U @ digit of 7 as pair.  WK01 ====== XXXX XXXX XXXX ======= 17 pair 27 ======== Cost 5000 ========= For new visitor, pay in @ ECOBANK 0861074043 STANLEY .O. AFTER PAYMENT,  📞☎️08038670659.