WK 39 Official
Congratulation to those who won with my free 3/5 last week 38 . After much begging from my views, I release the game on Saturday morning for them to play. 2 x 19f 23x 31x 46 f =3/5 while the real 2/2 for bet was 23x31x according to Capital paper front page up. Please check my previous post before calling me scammer. Join now if you care for another interesting key this week 39 Sure 2/2 for Bet And 4/5 for POOL. WK 39 ====== XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX ======= 12 PAIR 14 COST 5000 ==================== Pay @ UBA STANLEY OKORO 2219313715 ==================== Call @ 08038670659