
Showing posts from July, 2018
WK.   04 ➖➖➖➖ Congratulation to my elite members last WK 3 as we hammer them 3/4 with just 10 draws on coupon. XX7XX25XFF27FFXX34XX == 3/4. It was the Lords doing. Registration is still going on to those that care for this new season. Full season, = 200,000. Half season, = 100,000. Weekly subscribers 10,000 WK04 XXXX XXXX XXXX ➖➖➖➖ 35 pair 40 ➖➖➖➖ join now cost 5000 enquiry, call☎📲 09080677747
WK 0 3 FAREWELL GAME ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ here comes the setting of LANGWARRIN with letter W @ no.33 in RED COUPON. In wk51 RED,  WERRIBEE C VS LANGWARRIN @ 33. Locate BOX HILL on top of ALTONA M all at away and mark ALTONA M as draw. Plus 3 others. This WK03, WHITTLESEA R VS LANGWARRIN @ 33. Locate BOX HILL ON TOP OF ALTONA M ALL AT AWAY AND MARK ALTONA M AS DRAW. PLUS 3 OTHERS. XX27XX XXXXX XX25XX XXXXX ========= MUST!! cost #5000 Enquiry, call 09080677747
WK02 OFFICIAL ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Congratulation to those who use my 2 fixe draws I drop here with prove. That is to show you that information is power. XX 26 XX 27 XX This WK, here comes another authentic second wks operation titled LANGWARRIN @ 33 away with letter W. EXAMPLE/ FIRST SETTING Base on current season, In WK 51, locate LANGWARRIN @33 away with WERRIBEE C @ home KEY POINTER,  THEN, A WK before setting being wk50, mark BLACKTOWN C ontop of MARCONI S and BENTLEIGH all @away as draw plus 2 others = 3/4 In WK 03, locate LANGWARRIN @33away with WHITTLESEA R@ home. Then a WK before setting which is WK 02, mark BLACKTOWN C ontop of MARCONI S and BENTLEIGH all @ away for 1 or 2 draws WK02 UPHOLD ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ XXXXXX XX 01 XX XX 11 XX XXXXXXX ========= MUST 3/4 WK03 SECOND KEY ================= XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX 25 XX XXXXXXX ========== MUST 4/4 ========== ALL COST #10,000 JOIN NOW PAYMENT  ECOBANK STANLEY...
WK01 UPHOLD KEY ==================== Here comes the hidden key of this season. Information is power. Congratulation to my elite members last WK 52 4x 27x 33f { 26x 28x }. Let me reveal the key for all to see. Key pointer = N .GEELONG @ 30 HOME AND AWAY FROM BLUE COLOR TO BROWN. In wk46 BLUE, you will see N. GEELONG @ 30 HOME, then you play 2 and 6 as draw, following WK, Wk47 RED, N. GEELONG will move to NO. 30 away Then you repeat 2 and 6 as draw plus game under P. MELBOURNE away as draw = 2x6x22x. Following WK, WK48 purple N. GEELONG to seat at home and pick draw ,BLACKTOWN C to draw @ away then repeat 2 and 6 as draw. Following WK, WK49 BROWN, ADELAIDE U under the bar away plus game down to draw plus 2 others = 3/4. THE END OF FIRST PHASE. SECOND PHASE BEGIN @ WK50. in WK50 BLUE, N.GEELONG @ 30 HOME, then you play 26 and 28 as draw. Following WK51 RED N. GEELONG will move to no 30 away , you repeat 26 and 28 as draw plus game under P. MELBOU...
WK52 OFFICIAL ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ no much stories. USE THIS 3 NUMBERS. 04 X 27 X 33X MUST 2/3 GUDLUCK🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵